The right approach to every situation always bring the best result and there's no exception to that even in sewing. One of the major reason for distraction, confusion and probably style fall during a sewing project is not planning appropriately... i know you are saying "what is this girl saying
again? That i cut the dress and i am sewing it doesn't it mean i planned well?" chill....let me explain further.
The best way to attack any sewing project is by consciously brainstorming and ordering your ideas and actions that will lead to achieving your desired style. This means before you start cutting a dress you would have thought about the style, the things you need to bring it to life and sewing path ( how you have decided to sew the style with respect to the fabric or any thing you perceive necessary).

Let's use this outfit as a case study: when i wanted to sew this dress i already had the style in mind so all i did was look for a thread that matched the fabric, the satin i used for the bow ties and bias for turning the neckline. When all these were ready i went ahead to cut the dress.
This was something i picked up while i was learning to sew and it  always put me in a relaxed and refreshed mood to start the project. It reduces the tension in the brain so all the energy you need to focus on the project is not wasted running around looking for what to sew the dress with and its worst if you don't find the exact match of what you want because you will just be destabilised from the word "go".
When you have a particular sewing project take your time to order the things you need to do and buy in your head even before cutting, analyse the style over and over again, cut the style, prepare it for sewing (by adding fusible interface if required), clean up your sewing room and start sewing.
The rescue meat i talked about in the chart are just various ways you scheme in your head for immediate style change or correction to an error made during the sewing process.

I hope you found this post helpful, so tell me one approach you have towards every sewing project that gives you the best result....oya comment section. Follow me or FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for daily update and i will see you soon.

Your Tailor,



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