Can't believe its a year already since i clicked the publish button for my first post and here we are today! One year already! Happy anniversary to us! 
The only reason you are reading this post is because i decided to go natural...surprised?
My natural hair journey inspired me to start a sewing blog because i saw how committed naturalistas that had blogs were committed to sharing all information they had about natural hair and also answering questions asked by their followers to ensure they enjoyed their natural hair journey. One thing i know is they are passionate about what they do and totally dedicated to that cause. This made me decide to help out in the little way i can to all those struggling to learn how to sew. I won't say i have been the best blogger so far but am learning and growing everyday. Growing into my passion, being consumed with sewing and thinking of ways to be better at it and one thing i have learnt in the last one year is to keep the quest on with unending thirst for knowledge in not just my discipline but in every thing that teases my intellect.  Am grateful to everyone that have been with me since last year reading, liking, sharing and commenting on several posts...Thank you! Gracias!  Really looking forward to meeting you meanwhile i don't bite so feel free to hang out with Instagram by clicking here. There's a giveaway coming up so stay in touch.

Your Sewmate,



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